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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Too funny

I have the tv on while I'm surfing.

I just saw the best commerical.  Its for A1 Sauce and it show the singer Meat Loaf, eating a meatloaf.  He takes a taste and starts to sing.

At the end of the commerical - A1 makes Meat Loaf sing.

Love it.

Still Learning

Okay, I have lost alot of my posts and extras and widgets, but I think I've got things figured out.  Just need to get everything put back together.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Time to get a blogging

While surfing around I came across someone who has had a blog for 8 years.  All I can say is wow.

I started this almost a year ago and have played with it off and on but no commitment of any kind.

Mel has shown it can be done and done beautifully also.
She is offering a giveaway in celebration of her 8 years.
Please check out the link below.